7 Client Etiquette Tips for Working With Wedding Vendors

The Budget Savvy Bride

It’s essential to treat your wedding vendors with respect in order to get the best results. Don’t miss these wedding vendor etiquette tips!

Please don’t ghost.

When you reach out to a vendor about potentially hiring them for their services, you start a relationship. If that vendor ends up being a “no,” don't ghost them

It’s easy to forget that wedding industry workers are also service industry workers. That means we make a significant part of our income from tips.

Tip, if it’s at all possible

Treat your vendor team like you would treat your coworkers. Respect our pronouns. Understand that we also have office hours.

Respect our pronouns, dietary needs, and general humanity.

Write a review

Reviews are also the lifeblood of a wedding vendor’s business and go a huge way toward compensating vendors for their time and talent. 

Before you ask, check the contract

Check the contract. Fulfilling your contractual obligations is definitely a key part of client etiquette.

Remember that you’re not our only client

Wedding Vendors have between one to five dozen more clients just like you who they are also trying to serve.

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