9 Tips to Negotiate a Vendor Contract

The Budget Savvy Bride

According to a Wedding Planner

Wondering what aspects of your wedding vendor contracts are negotiable? Get perspective and advice from a wedding planner on approaching a contract negotiation respectfully.

Is it ever appropriate to negotiate a contract with a wedding vendor? Here are my tips to make this a helpful and healthy conversation for all involved.

How you ask matters.

Let’s start with whether it’s even appropriate to ask. Short answer: Yes, it is appropriate. Long answer: How you ask matters.

I highly recommend that you set a deadline for any request you make regarding potential changes to a contract. 

Set a deadline.

Wield your power responsibly

You are, in many ways, an employer now. You are somebody’s boss. Please wield this power. This is particularly true when it comes to interviewing and hiring vendors. responsibly.

Be prepared to hear “no.”

You can expect to hear “no” more often than before . Take this as a positive: You are hiring people who will serve you better because you are treating them with decency and humanity.

Quality vendors have quality answers.

I firmly believe that quality vendors have quality answers — even to awkward questions about something as fraught as a legally binding contract.

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