10 Best Wedding Tips for You Beautiful Brides

The Budget Savvy Bride

Are you planning a wedding? Check out these tips from real brides to have a fabulous wedding in 2023!

Top 10 Best Tips Shared by Newlywed Brides


Create the Wedding YOU Want

First and foremost, choose what you and your fiancé want. Looking at fabulous weddings online can be challenging.

Ignore the social media posts One-to-two weeks before the wedding. Focus on you and your fiancé and your future together. That’s what matters! 

Ignore Wedding Posts

Backup shoes in case your heels are uncomfortable. Something to wipe away stains in case something happens to your dress.

Make an Emergency Kit

Wedding is a fantastic day, but it doesn’t define you, your relationship, or your life. Things WILL go wrong. There will be a picture or two you wanted but didn’t get.

Accept That Things Will Go Wrong

Don’t force yourself through everything all at once. Your body will be in high gear, so don’t overdo it and get lots of rest.

Take Plenty of Breaks

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