Your ‘Something Borrowed’ Shouldn’t be Your Wedding Funds

Instead of accepting expense and debt as the path to planning a great wedding, couples should make a plan that works for them and is based upon their unique set of circumstances.

For couples who come across this information in their early wedding planning stages, it’s important to remember that the average figures do not represent the majority, and taking on debt for a wedding should not be considered the norm.

Take reports on

wedding spending

with a grain of salt

Before beginning the official planning process, sit down as a couple and discuss your mutual dreams and goals. You should share both your personal and financial dreams for your future together.

shared values and financial goals

Get clear about

for the future

Have the wedding you want—an event that reflects your shared values and feels authentic to you and your partner. If you want to have the big fancy soiree and can actually afford it, more power to you!

Decide what type of wedding you want to have

Build a budget that is financially feasible for you and your partner given your timeline and various resources.

unique circumstances

Set a budget based on your

As a guide, focus on the areas that make the wedding more meaningful. Infuse personal details and heart into the event. That’s what truly makes a wedding beautiful, not monogrammed napkins that end up in the trash.

Prioritize the

aspects of a wedding

that are most important to you

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