The Top Sites for Digital Wedding Invitations

The Budget Savvy Bride

In between all of the emails about sales, appointments, and work, it’s always a welcome surprise to receive a note from a friend or family member.

And that excitement only multiplies when you spot a wedding invitation in your inbox!

From offering a budget-friendly alternative to being far more eco-friendly, there are plenty of reasons to love (and send) digital wedding invitations.

So, today we’re breaking down all of the reasons why digital wedding invitations might just be the future and where you can find templates that look just as beautiful as print.

Why We Love Digital Wedding Invitations

The cost per piece is far less expensive, and designers create everything from simple to elaborate designs that you can email.

Save Your Budget:

Your tracking will go from a DIY project to a process that’s essentially done for you.

Make RSVPs a Breeze:

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