10 Incredibly Romantic Wedding Vows for Her or Him

The Budget Savvy Bride

If you are planning your upcoming wedding, odds are you’ve given quite a bit of thought to what you want to say when you are exchanging your vows.

Standard wedding vows go something like this: “I [YOUR NAME] take thee [YOUR SPOUSE’S NAME] to be my wedding husband/wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part.”

Sure, these standard vows hold wonderful thoughts, but surely your marriage vows should say more than “I’ll stick with you even if you get sick” – right?

Whether you’re adding a little spice to traditional wedding vows or writing your own, these 10 wedding vow ideas will make your wedding ceremony absolutely unforgettable.

10 Romantic Wedding Vows to Say during Your Wedding Ceremony

I Promise to be Truthful

One of the best things you can give to your spouse is your honesty. Without it, your relationship would fall apart! Start your marriage off right by telling your spouse that you will be truthful to them from beginning to end, even when it’s hard to do so.

I Promise to Always Make Time for You

Date night is a great way that couples show they are making time for each other. Set aside one night a week where the kids are with the babysitter and you can be alone with your spouse.

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