Woman Feels Betrayed by Bride Upstaging Her Wedding Centerpieces. How Do You Feel?

The Budget Savvy Bride

A wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime event that marks the beginning of a couple’s journey together. It is often a day filled with love, happiness, and excitement.

A bride-to-be felt a guest upstaged her centerpieces. What do you think?

Jennifer shared how she makes charming floral arrangements for friends, family, and events. She recalled a family friend named Sadie asking her to make floral arrangements for the guest’s tables at her wedding.

Jennifer said she was extremely pleased with how her work turned out. When she noticed the beautifully designed centerpieces made by the bride, she felt a little betrayed. Here is how the internet responded.

The Big Day

“You’re upset the bride upstaged you. The bride you hardly know at her wedding? The fact you were even upset by it shows an incredible lack of maturity.”

Total Lack of Maturity

Finally, one shared, “She wasn’t ‘undermining’ anything; she just wanted more extravagant centerpieces for the bridal table.

Insecurity Clause

“Looks like it was made clear you were doing the guest tables. That means you knew the bridal table wasn’t your gig. You’re complaining about being upstaged at a wedding. By the bride!”

 The Bridal Table Wasn’t Your Gig

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